Saturday, June 20, 2009

This and That

In today's climate of uninsured citizens for health benefits, I shall talk about an intervention I have just had a few days ago. After years and years of suffering with terrible back pains and havng tried every method offered on the market as a salve or even a solution, I have been fortunate to be recommend to The Laser Spine Institute of Scottsdale.
I am of Medicare age and found out that Medicare will cover a part of the expense but that I had to find the rest. Inspite of the fact that finances are bad at the moment, I managed to gather the required amount, (sizeable)
But what a wise decision this was! It has barely been three days that I came out of surgery and the old pain seems to be gone. Unfortunately, it is temporarily replaced by a nasty ache in my tail bone, where an injection had to be given. But painkillers and constant icing is really helping. I have started walking short distances and slowly slowly I am regaining mobility.
But the point of all his is that even with managed Health care this type of intervention would be out of the financial range of Managed Care. I am all for health coverage for the unfortunately large section of the population with litle or no access to health care, but unless it is two tiered, which means that private doctors and Institutes are allowed to operate out of the managed care system, the result would be that you cater to the masses at theexpense of the many who are willing to pay extra, you are limiting the rights of this section to get the best that they can afford.
I have seen the British NHS and the Canadian counerpart at work and must say that for the day to day aches , pains,and regular illnesses and accidents that are part of life, they stand among the best. It is only when things get complicated that problems begin, This is when you need a specialist and in Canada, which is one tier, you have to wait till a specialist or surgeon is available, of course unless it is a matter of life and death. Then you go to Emergency and get whoever specialist is on duty that day.
In Britian, private doctors and specialists are still allowed to practice out of the system but it s going to cost you!
The best system s the Swiss model where the doctors who work within managed care are very well paid, you get to a specialist immediately within the system and are very well taken care of. Of course, if you also carry private Health Insurance over and above the State one, you can then pick and choose and ensure that your peoblems are solved quickly and efficiently. But the annual output for supplementary health Insurance more than makes up for the whopping bills one has to pay in the US. In other words, since the medics. are paid promptly and well, the cost is not exhorbitant and the supplementary Insurance picks up at least 80% of the tab.
A model to look into!!


lucinda said...

seems that being poor and sick is a situation worse than death!!
ajma me...
prosit on your blog!