Thursday, June 18, 2009

Life in Arizona, through the eyes of a European!

Let me start by saying that Arizona is the most original place I have ever seen. Besides the fact that the State has a Low Desert, Hot,hot, hot in Summer and gorgeous in Winter. Then there is the High Desert in the north mainly home to the Navajo and Hopi Nations where the summer is hot but the winter is pretty cold as the elevation is over 7000feet, hence the High Desert. In the middle are the towns and picturesque areas which enjoy a four season climate.
Being brought up speaking British English, I had a hard time understanding the American version and also being understood! Forget the "tomato/tomahto" standard joke, but listening to the various programs mainly political, I have had a struggle with quite a few "gems" For example, an "oversight" in B English is something which has been skipped over, missed or left out. In A English is is used as the past
participle for "overseeing" which has a totally different meaning. Another which bugs me greatly is the use of "momentarily" to mean 'in a moment" Momentarily is an Adverb which is used to govern a Verb and should be used close to a verb or to describe it. When someone say "I will be back momentarily, it should be "in a moment or in a short time. You can say" I will momentarily be absent " this is correct as the word "momentarily is telling me more about being absent. It is where you place the word in the construction of a sentence that gives correctness to the use of words.
Maybe, by now you might have guessed that I am a bit of a grammar freak, but I studied this subject for many years at school and it has really stuck.
So much for today!!