Tuesday, June 23, 2009


We all agree that yet another tragedy is unfolding before our very eyes! How many times have we seen a people rise against its oppressors, especially in Post War Europe?We can also say that all the Continents have at some time or other, even now, gone through this convulsion of a people who rebel in desperate fury against repressive regimes. What can we say or do when this happens?
What we must remember is that, as in the case of Iran, they are now trying to rid themselves of a regime which they themselves elected, to do away with another regime, that of the Shah of Persia, an ally of the USA. Cuba, might be another region where people will try to overthrow the very same Government that they elected to rid themselves of a despotic and corrupt regime. Maybe even N. Korea might try something similar some day, but the outlook seems very dismal for that long-suffering people.
Going back to Iran, I have been struck by the number of Iranian-American reporters and speakers who, while they appreciate that the US is resolutely against the oppression of a people by its own people, they are also clearly pointing out that the Iranians are looking more for moral than political support. They appreciate the guarded supportive words of President Obama and I must say that I thoroughly agree with him, at least on this subject. The Iranians are a world and a culture apart from the US.
They are a proud, intelligent and fiercely patriotic people and prefer to fight their own battles in their own way. US support during the times of the Shah resulted in open hostility when the Country chose the Ayatollah as their Leader of choice. That they have come to regret it is a subject that we can only conjecture on. Half of the Country seems still to favor the fanatic religious rule.
Again, fanatic in our eyes, but not in the eyes of many.To the religious Islamic regimes out there, the US and Europe appear in their eyes as a people driven by money, worldly goods, position and power. They have become estranged from the sober teachings of their Faiths. Their ideas are too avante garde for them to appreciate and where females are concerned, they think that the Western woman has lost femininity, dignity and grace.
Not that their treatment of women is to be recommended or even copied!We can only hope that the Iranians will manage to somehow persuade their leaders to take a long look at the trials and tribulations of their people and to come to some arrangement which, first and foremost is workable and dignified for its people.
The chances are that it would not be the arrangement that the West would like. But then, that is what makes a nation, sovereign, the right to make and live by their mistakes.